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Helping You Get The Job You Want Plus


6 week taught course plus 6 week work experience placement


This course prepares learners students to leave compulsory education and engage in further education, employment or training. It develops learners’ employability skills, provides meaningful work experience and is suitable for learners in Years 10 and 11 at risk of becoming NEET. In the six, weekly teaching sessions, learners work towards and gather evidence based on units of the NCFE Employability Skills Awards. The level a learner works towards will be agreed with them and their school. The course enables learners to:


  • Identify and research post-16 options

  • Complete job/training applications, interview preparation and job search

  • Develop their confidence and understanding of the new responsibilities associated with leaving school 


Careers information, advice and guidance support is offered throughout the course by our expert coaches. Engagement with local employers will happen during this part of the course by visiting speakers and by using our digital Let’s Do Business Programme which gives access to 40 local employer talks and work-based tasks they have set. 

The work experience placement element of the course is agreed with the learners and school for one day per week for 6 weeks. Discussions take place with the learner to understand her/his aims and ambitions to ensure the ‘best match’ employer is sourced no further than 30 minutes from her/his home. Employers are selected from our database of around 100 employers from a range of industry sectors. All employers are required to pass our Risk, Safeguarding and Health & Safety checks which comply with national requirements for keeping children safe in education.


A comprehensive risk assessment and induction are completed for each learner with input from the school and parent/carer and their school including travel arrangements to and from the placement.


The employer designates a staff member to supervise the placement and her/his contact details are given to the student and captured on the health and safety form. These details will be given to the school before the learner commences with the employer.


The placement hours and days will be agreed with the learner and, school at the interview and planning stage when matching a learner to an employer.


Parent/Carer consent will be received before any personal data about the learner is shared with the employer. Our Confidentiality and Data Protection policy is adhered to at all times.


Outcomes of the work experience are agreed with the employer, learner and referring school prior to the placement commencing. 


Employers are contacted soon after the learner’s start time each day. If the learner hasn’t arrived, a call is made to the school to inform them. CSD then contacts the employer again to see if the learner has arrived. The employer is given contact numbers for our placement manager and at the school. If contact with the school is unattainable, CSD contacts the parents/carers. If the learner does not attend, CSD agrees action with the school or parents/carers.


During the placement, learners complete our work experience journal to record their work experience and progress. The employer can also write in the journal with the learner’s permission. This is agreed during the interview/planning stage and discussed with the learner student and employer on monitoring visits.


CSD carries out a monitoring visit each week to check welfare, progress and discuss any issues or changes required with the learner and employer.


A placement evaluation is conducted every week, involving the learner, school employer and parents/carers to discuss the progress of the learner and to see how the programme is working. Details of the evaluation will be captured in the work experience journal.


Our coaches are also available to escort the learner to the work experience placement, if necessary, at additional cost to be agreed with the school at the planning stage.




As a guide, the cost for delivery of the teaching element on your premises for up to 12 learners would be around £300 per day. Alternatively, external venue delivery would cost around £550 per day. External venues used are high quality facilities for which risk assessments and Safeguarding checks are made to ensure they meet our requirements which comply with national Keeping Children Safe in Education policy.

Costs may vary according to learners’ needs as we may need to provide an assistant to support the trainer and ensure Safeguarding is managed as effectively as possible unless a school/college member of staff is present throughout the course.


The cost of the work-experience placement element of the course is £600 per learner.


Maximum learner numbers are agreed in advance and will be lower for groups of learners requiring additional supervision and support.



For more information or to book call 0345 5480080 or email:​



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