Parents & Carers of Year 11,12 & 13
Understanding the Options Available for your Son or Daughter
Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students are currently making key educational decisions for their future.
There are many different options available - University? School 6th Form? College? Apprenticeship? Schools provide support to help them to make the right decision for them.
Many parents we have spoken to are confused by the different options and therefore do not know how they can support.
We have designed sessions for parents and carers that:
Complement the school and college support being given.
Provide parents and carers with information on the options
Give advice on the best way to support..
The sessions are delivered by a professional and Registered Careers Adviser who has supported thousands of young people as they make their choices.
Visit here to see the dates of our sessions and to book online.

“Our son who is in Year 11 was unsure of his options and what to do next. The Parents Session delivered by Career Seekers Direct gave us all the motivation to take action."
Dad to Year 11 boy